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My Weekly Blog

See what I’m up to on a regular basis. It’s interesting, really! My mom says so.

Posts tagged fiction
Submissions and my own stories.

I hope you all had a very pleasant Labor Day. For myself, I sent out query letters for articles and made a London Broil with buffalo ghee and roasted veggies for dinner. Delicious!

What could possibly be better? Realizing just a few minutes ago that I hit my 1,211 word minimum for the day, and then some. Not much more, but that's because I'm waiting for some "behind the scenes" details to help me flesh something out. So, yes. I'm still working on a book. I have a goal of finishing it by the end of November of this year. That means, I need to do 1,211 words every day to get the manuscript finished. Then, edits and revisions can truly start in earnest.

You know, I'm really excited about writing a book. It's a challenge to take specific policies and procedures, insert a character into them, and create a complete world off of it all. I mean, it's fiction, so technically I can just make stuff up. I'm making a real effort to be as accurate as I can to things outside my character's life while keeping the character's freedom to move and act within these restrictions. Maybe one day I'll explain, but for now you'll just have to guess.