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My Weekly Blog

See what I’m up to on a regular basis. It’s interesting, really! My mom says so.

Eleven truths about being a writer

I know, I know. Hardly a daily blog, amirite? Those who know me well know I never make excuses. This is no different. I have been working on the first draft of my first novel. I use a program called Scrivener to do my writing as it lets me keep notes, research, maps, character and location descriptions, and even note cards to help me keep track of my project. One feature of Scrivener is a Project Targets option where I can enter my goal word count (100,000 words) as well as a deadline and days each week when I will write. I currently have my schedule set so every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are writing days. As it stands, I have to write at least 2,639 words on each writing day to hit my deadline. That accounts for three days. Tuesday I have physical therapy for a knee injury. Tuesday is also my day to do photography, some of which you can see on this site. Thursdays are dedicated to job searching and sending out query letters to do articles. Being a writer is my dream, but I still need medical insurance and the lure of a steady paycheck is strong. Saturdays are my free days while Sundays are my website days. So, each day has a dedicated task, but the schedule is not restrictive; while Tuesday is photography day, I can still write on Tuesday. In addition to that, I am a stay-at-home dad responsible for driving my kiddo to and from school, running errands, occasional shopping, and occasional cooking. Finally, I’ve been having some major sleep issues and for the past month I have been barely awake.

So. That accounts for my time. Like I said, I’m not making an excuse. I’m not asking forgiveness. I’m simply stating my case. Okay? Okay. Moving on…

I found something in my email this morning, an article detailing eleven things about being a writer. It came from a group called NY Book Editors. They regularly post articles relevant to writing and publishing. Here’s a link if you want to read the article for yourself: 11 Things No One Tells You About Being a Writer. Being a novice at writing anything other than news stories, I enjoyed the list and I would agree with almost all of it.

So, are you a writer? Whether you are or not, do you agree with the list? Most of it? Let me know in the comments.

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